Creamy Peanut Butter Pie for Mikey and Loving Like There is No Tomorrow

Friday morning I woke up like every other day, Mr. W and I got Em out of her crib, I came into the kitchen, fixed her a bottle and got myself some ice water.  I sat down at the kitchen table and opened my laptop.  I started to catch up on my blog reading.  I didn't make it far, when I came across a post about a peanut butter pie.  Little did I know how much that post was going to change the course of my weekend.

A picture of a wedding ring really caught my attention as I read about Jennie Perillo a fellow food blogger In Jennie's Kitchen and her husband Mikey. As I sat sobbing, absorbed into the words and feeling my heart ache for a complete stranger, I felt a tiny hand start patting my back.  I looked over to see Em looking at me with such concern and love, I had to stop what I was doing and take her out of her highchair.  I tell you I held her as if it was the first time and like there was no tomorrow.  I danced around the kitchen with her singing to her.  She nestled into my neck and hummed along as I sung, she petted my hair, I continued to silently weep.  Feeling so much pain for Jennie and her family, yet aching in my heart for the fear of loss of my own family yet feeling so full of love, such a confusion of overwhelming emotion.

Shortly thereafter Em and I walked into the office to find Mr. W.  I wanted to tell him about the Creamy Peanut Butter Pie and the story, but all I could muster in the midst of my sobs was "I love you" and "read Facebook".  I couldn't get the words out.

In Jennie's words:
For those asking what they can do to help my healing process, make a peanut butter pie this Friday and share it with someone you love. Then hug them like there's no tomorrow because today is the only guarantee we can count on.

I committed at that moment to make this pie that Jennie asked us to make.  I spent all day Friday with Em and Mr. W.  I wanted to make sure to hug them and love them, spend time with them as I savored every moment with them.  Saturday morning Em and I shared a girls day out as we did some shopping and then came home to make the Creamy Peanut Butter Pie in memory of Mikey, to share with our loved ones.

I spent Saturday afternoon preparing this delicious pie (using Jennie Perillo's recipe) with Em around my ankles.  She was so attached to me, you would think she knew and was helping. The entire weekend was spent loving my family like there is no tomorrow.  I try to do that everyday, but this weekend I hugged a little tighter, kisses lingered a little longer, we fought a bit harder, made up even stronger and told them I loved them over and over.

As the pie was put into the fridge I stopped to thank God for my family, for our blessings and for our friends (who are family to us).  We shared this fabulous pie tonight and I shared the story as I told our dear friends that we love them.  The pie was delicious, the moment that I told them we were sharing the pie with people we loved will be with us forever. 