Honey Peach Frogurt (Frozen Yogurt)

Finally, I found some more beautiful and delicious peaches.  The last really good ones I had were used to make my Spiced Peach Jam, which is fabulous by the way.  So, with the summer really heating us up I have been leaning toward making as many things as possible that do not require the oven or stove to be turned on.  So, there you have it.  To top off the peaches, my friends brought me some fresh honey that is just amazing.  So, with 3 simple ingredients that you most likely already have (especially during the summer) you have Honey Peach Frogurt!

I found a lot of different recipes when I was researching.  Better Homes and Gardens and Baltic Maid among them.  I decided I wanted to leave the skin on for more flavor and I wanted the use the non fat plain yogurt to allow the peach and honey flavors to shine through.  The frogurt is delicious, but I will try non fat vanilla yogurt next time to see which I like best.  The honey and peach flavors are amazing, the consistency is incredibly smooth.  I garnished with some toasted almonds and granola for a fantastic crunch.  All three of us loved this.  Em ate it until her tongue was frozen, she kept pulling on it.  It was so adorable.

Recipe adapted from many sources including Better Homes and Gardens and Baltic Maid

Honey Peach Frogurt
3 cups non-fat, plain yogurt
6 ripe peaches, pitted and cup into ½” slices
2 tablespoons honey

Line a colander or a sieve with a cheese cloth or coffee filter.  Add the yogurt to the lined sieve/colander.  Now put the sieve into a bowl and cover it with a plate.  Place in the refrigerator for several hours.  I let it sit overnight, but that is not necessary.  3-4 hours is plenty.  NOTE:  As you can see the yogurt drained out a significant amount of liquid.  It reduced almost in half.

Place the peaches into a blender or food processor and puree.   Add the strained yogurt to the peach puree and blend until well incorporated.  Add honey and blend until combined.  Transfer to a bowl and refrigerate for 2 hours until the mixture is chilled.

You may have to break up your mixture if the honey hardens, just use a spoon.  Pour the peach yogurt mixture into the ice cream maker and freeze according to manufacturer’s instructions.  I place a kitchen towel over the ice cream maker to help keep the cold in.

Remove from bowl of ice cream maker into an air tight container, place in freezer for a few hours until it becomes more firm.  Serve and enjoy. 

Click here for a printable version of this recipe - The Slow Roasted Italian.com