Chocolate Cake with Coconut Cream Cheese Frosting

Well, if necessity is the mother of invention then this frosting is one bad mother fu.....

Aw yeah, y’all, I worked it out with this one.

I was trying to make my mama’s sour cream coconut frosting for Ninja Barb’s birthday cake. When I got to the store, they were out of sour cream. Seriously, how is that even possible?

So I grabbed a thing of whipped cream cheese and figured I’d manage something with it. When it came time to mix up the frosting I dumped the cream cheese in the mixer and added some milk. Then I kept adding powdered sugar until it looked about right. Then I just folded in the coconut and whipped topping. Then I tasted it. And for a fleeting moment, thought about locking myself in the laundry room with it.

Chocolate Cake with Coconut Cream Cheese Frosting
1 chocolate layer cake
8 ounces whipped cream cheese
¼ cup of milk
1 ½ cups powdered sugar
7 ounces sweetened flaked coconut
8 ounces frozen whipped topping, thawed

Cook cake in 2 or 3 layers and cool completely. With an electric mixer, whip cream cheese, milk and powdered sugar on medium speed until smooth (about 2 minutes). Fold in coconut and whipped topping and mix until smooth.

Refrigerate frosting for about 20 minutes then frost cake. Once frosted and after serving, store cake in refrigerator.