The Onions and Cast of Characters

I talk about my onions and make odd personal references a lot. I'm sure most of you are like what the crap is she talking about? 

These are the onions...

As we get to know each other, little snippets of my life will make their way into the mix of recipes and food posts.

Some folks have aliases (like my kids) and some people have real nicknames that will make you scratch your head.

Here’s a glossary of the Cast of Characters in my life:

Husband: This one’s pretty obvious. Husband is Canadian and how he has managed my Southern behind all these years is baffling. If there’s one person whose sense of humor is more warped than mine, it’s Husband.

The Onions: My kids.

Brutus: My youngest child and only son. He’s currently 7 years old.

Angel Baby: My baby girl. She’s currently 8 years old.

Flossy: My big girl. Flossy came with Husband which was one of the best things he’s ever done for me. She’s currently 12 years old.

Ginga: My dad. This is the actual name my kids have given him. My whole life I heard my dad say, “When I become a grandparent I’m going to be called Granddad…. not PeePaw or PooPoo, or any bullsh!t like that. I want to be called Grand-Dad." Yeah, how’d that work out for you, Ginga?

Nana: Another obvious one. This is my mother and also referred to as She Who Must Be Obeyed. Nana’s a total badass and I want to be her when I grow up. She taught me how to cook, to laugh at myself and how to be a confident, empowered woman.

Mil: My mother-in-law. Who is amazeballs and nothing like the stereotypical mother-in-law. Mil and most of Husband’s family still live in Ontario, Canada. Also, I think she might be an angel. Like, a real one with retractable wings.

Ninja Barb [a.k.a. ‘My Ninja’]: Ninja Barb is my 70-something year old neighbor who fusses over us like a mother hen. I call her my Ninja because she could outrun any one of us in a footrace, she can find anything, she can fix anything and I’m pretty sure she’d be the first person I called if aliens invaded. And she does awesome stuff like leave bowls of fresh cut magnolia blossoms on my kitchen counter.
