No-Bake DOUBLE CHOCOLATE Oatmeal Cookies

Classic peanut butter chocolate oatmeal cookies with DOUBLE the cocoa.

You know these cookies. Everyone's made them because they can be made with scant resources and don't involve turning the oven on. That's a win/win all day long.

They’re pretty good but every time I've eaten them I've always thought they would be so much better if they were just a little bit more chocolaty. My grammar check is telling me to replace ‘more chocolaty’ with ‘chocolatier’ but that totally sounds like a made-up word. And now my spell check says ‘chocolatier’ isn't a word. WTH, computer?

Anywho (also not a word, thankyouverymuch)… the last time I made these I decided to add more cocoa. I doubled it, actually. They were SO MUCH BETTER! Why, oh why, has no one revamped this recipe?

So here is my version of this recipe. I added a little more milk because it seemed like the right thing to do and they turned out perfect.

No-Bake Double Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies
2 cups sugar
1/2 cup cocoa
1 stick real butter (1/2 cup)
2/3 cup milk
1 cup peanut butter
1 teaspoon vanilla
3 1/2 cups oatmeal
Waxed paper

Combine sugar, cocoa, butter and milk in a large saucepan.  Bring to a boil over medium-high heat; stirring constantly.  Once mixture reaches a boil, continue cooking for one full minute. Remove from heat immediately.

Add peanut butter and vanilla; stir well. Add oatmeal and stir until thoroughly incorporated. On a sheet of waxed paper, drop mixture by rounded teaspoonfuls. Cool until set and firm.


So, I made these a few nights ago and the onions have been munching on them with a vengeance. They wanted one last night after supper but since we ate late I didn't want them to load up on sugar right before bed and said no.

This resulted in a lot of begging and whining. But I’m immune.

I’m sitting in the bathroom trying to pee alone (which is a luxury I gave up about seven years ago) and this comes sliding under the door.

I yell through the door, “NO! Enough with the cookies! You’re NOT having any COOKIES!” And then the veins started popping out of my forehead.

A little later I’m finishing up the supper dishes and sensed a disturbance in the force. I look behind me and see this on the floor.

They're persistent.  I've give them that.