Simple Mexican Skillet

Happy Tuesday everyone!  I hope you had a fantastic Halloween.  We certainly did.  We spent the early part of the day at a local ranch that had a pumpkin patch, hay rides, a petting zoo, hay mazes, pony rides and so much more.  On our hay ride we were serenaded by our singing cowboy, who played "Mama Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Cowboys".  It was a blast.  I enjoyed the ride so much I didn't even notice the heat.  When we got back from the pumpkin patch, they gave Em 2 mini pumpkins (which she held for the rest of the afternoon).  Then we went to the pony's for a ride.  Em's pony was named "Freckles" he is a beautiful horse and Em sat up tall on Freckles, and then decided she was done.  It was perfect.  I look forward to going there next year too.

Then we went home and got Em in her costume and Skyped Nana and Papa.  It is so precious to see her want to climb through the screen.  God willing we will see them in January!  We headed off to visit YaYa and Kitty and trick or treated at Gigi and Pop Pop's house.  Finally we got some fast food and went Trick or Treating.  Em had such a great time.  We went to about 5 houses in our neighborhood, but she was so excited and that is all that matters in the end.   I love being with my family, no matter what we are doing.  Em and Mr. W are my world!

Being on the ranch today reminded me of this fabulous Simple Mexican Skillet that I would like to share with you, hope you enjoy it.  Em, Mr W and I LOVE it!!!

Lastly, our day out (and pictures of this day) have inspired me to get into the gym tomorrow morning and get back to more healthy cooking.   So, you will see healthy recipes and baking in the next few months.  Quite a combo, but hopefully it will help me get into shape while I am doing all of my holiday baking!  I really hope you enjoy the change.

Simple Mexican Skillet
2 cups frozen corn
1 medium onion, grated or chopped
3 garlic cloves, minced
2 jalapenos, finely diced (seed and membrane removed)
2 14.5 ounce cans diced tomatoes, with juice
1 1/2 cups black beans or one can (rinsed and drained)
1 pound spicy chicken sausage
1/2 teaspoon chipotle chili pepper (spice)
1/2 teaspoon New Mexico Chili powder
pinch Cayenne pepper
rice, cooked (for serving)

In a large pan over medium heat, cook sausage.  Brown on both sides and then add water 1/4 way up sausage and cover.  Allow to cook until done.  Remove from pan and slice into coins.

In a clean large pan over medium heat, add corn in a single layer.  Cook for 5-7 minutes, without stirring, until caramelized.  Add onion, garlic and jalapenos, stir to combine.  Cook until onions are translucent, stirring occasionally.

Add tomatoes, chipotle chili pepper, chili powder cayenne and salt.  Stir to combine.  Add beans and sausage.  Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low and simmer for 30 minutes.

Serve over rice.