Low Calorie Pumpkin Pie Milk Shake

HaPpY  HaLLOwEeN everyone!!! 

What an amazing weekend we had! Saturday we worked all day and night, getting ready for our semi-annual community garage sale and readying our store for the holidays (we have a collectibles store, we sell mostly Christmas collectibles).  Sunday we spent the afternoon and early evening with our most fantastic long time friend "Uncle Happy".  Weird nickname, huh?  Well he is Em's Godfather, and honestly I have never seen him so happy and smiley as when he is with Em.  So, he became Uncle Happy.  We had a wonderful birthday celebration for Uncle Happy and a magnificent pie (which I will be sharing on Friday).  Em colored a beautiful birthday card for him and I don't think I have ever seen him so happy as when he looked at the card, and said "this one's a keeper".  {{{sniffle, sniffle}}}  Ok, so I am a bit sentimental and sensitive lately.

I can't believe it is Halloween already.  We are spending the day doing Halloween things.  Going to the pumpkin patch, carving a pumpkin and going Trick or Treating (at our family and friends houses, and then around the neighborhood).  We are quite excited now that Em is almost 2 and has a better concept of what is going on around her.
So, in the spirit of Halloween and pumpkins, today we are featuring a Low Calorie Pumpkin Milk Shake, this recipe was shared by YaYa's daughter on Facebook and it sounded so good I had to try it.  It was amazing and absolutely perfect just the way it is.

Enjoy!  I certainly did!
Low Calorie Pumpkin Milk Shake
(makes 4 servings)
15 ounce can Libby's 100% Pure Pumpkin (NOT pie filling), frozen in an ice cube tray
2 cups Fat Free Milk
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1 teaspoon nutmeg
1/2 cup Splenda
2 cups Cool Whip light, divided
In a blender combine frozen pumpkin, milk, cinnamon, nutmeg, and Splenda. Blend until shake consistency.

Serve with 1/2 cup Cool Whip light on each serving.