TSRI's Sizzling Summer - Food, Family and Fun - Week 6

This summer has been absolutely glorious and delicious (those words I picked up this weekend at a fabulous retreat I will tell you all about later this week).  The weather, the food, time with friends and family....  Ahhhhh!  It couldn't possibly get much better.

Many of our readers have been sharing their summer photos packed with their favorite food and we are so excited to share our favorites and yours.  Read below on how to get in on the fun!

We are sharing fabulous recipes and photos from you, our readers along with TSRI favorites. 

Not to mention we are so excited to be celebrating you with a lot of fantastic contests and giveaways!  Our little way to say thanks.  This week we are celebrating with our newest favorite: Entwine Wines

This week we shared the best ice cream I have ever eaten.  The recipe was created with my new favorite wine:  Merlot by Entwine.  Trust me, you want this in your life.  It is so good everyone that tastes it says that I should sell it.
Click here for Recipe»