TSRI's Sizzling Summer - Food, Family and Fun - Week 7

This summer has been absolutely glorious and delicious (those words I picked up at a fabulous retreat I will tell you all about later this week).  The weather, the food, time with friends and family....  Ahhhhh!  It couldn't possibly get much better.

One of my favorite summers ever was the summer of 2012.  My mom and dad visited us in Arizona and the 5 of us took a road trip to Sedona.  We explored all the beauty that Red Rock Country had to offer and I enjoyed her love for life.  Even more so, I enjoyed watching my then 2 1/2 year old bonding with her best friend (her Nana) live and in person.  They had talked on Skype every day since she was 1 1/2.  During that trip we were inseparable, I spent so much time with her staying up all night, talking and making strawberry jam.  We enjoyed grilling together.  She taste tested our latest summer burgers and we sipped on Chad's cocktail creations until late at night as we talked and laughed.

It is funny how once I became a mom everything changed in our relationship.  We became best friends again.  I guess I finally understood.  It clicked.  If you are a mom, you know what I mean.  The last 4 years were the best with my mom.  I couldn't have asked for a better mom or Nana to my child.

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