How to Host a Stress-Free Holiday Party

Holiday parties are so much more fun when you know how to Host a Stress-Free party!  Here are some tips, tricks and recipes to make your party perfect. We are so excited to be partnering with Freixenet to help you simplify your holiday get-together.

Holiday parties are fabulous but can be incredibly overwhelming, trust me I know.  We host an annual Christmas party and believe me, back in the day it was exhausting.  I would plan for months, prepare for weeks and cook for days.  I about needed a vacation by the time the party started.  Honestly, no one needs that kind of stress.  Not to mention, that takes the fun out of having a party.

Over the years I have really pulled it together.  I can plan and prepare leaving enough time and energy to mingle with my guests and enjoy myself.  Now I can share my plan with you.  I have put together some fun tips for hosting a stress-free holiday party.

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