Crafting the Perfect Christmas Party

The Christmas season is the best time of year and our annual holiday party is my absolute favorite party!  Simplifying a Christmas party makes it so much more fun for you and your guests.  We are so excited to be partnering with Smirnoff to help you craft your holiday party. 

I always start party planning by choosing a theme.  It can be a simple choice of colors or you can go all out and create a Winter Wonderland Celebration.  I like simple.  Old world colors of deep reds and golds make me happy. I will send out an invitation that reflects that theme.  My invitations will include a lovely image on the front cover and You Are Invited:  Our Annual Christmas Party.  I actually used to mail out our invites, but in the last few years I have started using online invites and I like it so much more.  Simple.

The details for the party are inside the invite.  We are serving appetizers, desserts and cocktails.  Therefore the party will start a little later than an actual dinner party.  Our party starts at 7:30pm.  The perfect time.   I also let our guests know that it will be appetizers, desserts and cocktails. Lastly I will tell them what the appropriate attire is and to bring a gift to exchange if they would like to participate and the value of the gift.

Menu planning is next.

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