Parmesan Herb Bread Sticks

I am so excited to be participating in the Secret Recipe Club again this month.  I took a break in December and SRC took a break in January.  So, it is nice to be back to it!  If you are not familiar with SRC I imagine you have been hiding in some faraway blogosphere.  But, just in case I will share the basics with you.

SRC is so exciting, kind of like Christmas morning.  This is how it works...  You sign up for The Secret Recipe Club by going to the website here. A name is 'drawn' and assigned to you.  "You simply choose any recipe from the blog you are assigned, make or bake it, and blog about it on the date specified..."

I was very excited to draw a blog that I am not familiar with that has tons of fabulous recipes. The Cookaholic Wife is written by Nichole a twenty something newlywed that is really spreading her wings in the kitchen.

Her blog is very fun and there are a great number of recipes.  I found myself drawn to the desserts and breads on her blog.  I bookmarked several recipes to come back to.

My favorite read on her blog was the 27 Things About Me.  Although once I read "#8 Caramel is better than chocolate" I knew we could never be friends.  ha!  Just kidding, but really???  Then I perused her dessert section and found many many chocolate recipes and felt so much better!

What finally drew my attention to the kitchen was the Parmesan Herb Bread Sticks.  Still being in need of a cracker or bread for a dip I was making for our Super Bowl party, I was excited to find something that would go so well with the dip.  Our Super Bowl party was yesterday and they were served at our Super Bowl party with my Layered Pizza Dip that I will share with you Wednesday.  Nichole also has a Pizza Dip recipe you can see it here.   The Homemade Parmesan Herb Bread Sticks were the perfect accompaniment to the dip.  YUM!!!

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