Banana Shimmy… because it’s not quite a shake

It’s not quite a shake so we’ll call it a shimmy.  I’ve been making these for years for the Onions and calling them Banana Milkshakes.  They have no idea.

But really, the combination of rich whole milk (which I think is necessary to achieve that milkshake-like consistency) and the creamy banana makes for quite a velvety, rich, frosty treat.  I have no idea if I'm right about this but I think there's enough fat in the whole milk that you get a bit of whip going on like you do with cream.  That's why you whip the milk before you add the ice.  It really does get pretty thick.

And… I even looked up the nutritional values for you and guess what?  These babies are low in fat and calories and high in protein.  Holla!

Banana Shimmies
1 medium banana, sliced
1 cup whole milk
2 packets Splenda*
Drop of vanilla extract
½ cup crushed ice

Add bananas, milk, sweetener and a drop of vanilla extract to a blender and whip for about 30 seconds.  Add ice and blend for about 10-20 seconds or until smooth.  Pour and enjoy!

Makes 2 8-oz. servings.

*If your bananas are super ripe you may not even need to sweeten these.  I use Splenda because that’s what I keep at home but feel free to use comparable values of your sweetener of choice.

Nutritional Facts:
1 8-oz. serving equals 125 calories, 4 g fat, 20 g carbohydrate, 1.5 g fiber, 4.5 g protein. 

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