I was very excited to be tagged by 365 Days of Baking (almost 6 weeks ago, sorry Lynne!) for the Seven Links Challenge. Lynne has a very fun blog, she posts a recipe each day, rates it on a scale of 1-4 rolling pins and even shares with you her flops. I personally have a folder on my hard drive for my flops, but am not brave enough to share those. ; )
Miss Mary at Barefeet in the Kitchen tagged me a few weeks ago, so I decided to get moving on this post. Mary has a very informative blog complete with a section on dehydrating (which I love). Mary loves to cook real foods and keeps it simple and delicious. Check out their blogs!
I really hope you enjoy reminiscing with me. I have really enjoyed writing this post. As I am pretty sure every blogger has completed their 7 Links Challenge, I will not tag anyone individually. However, if you have not done the post... Consider yourself tagged!
2. The most popular post: The most popular post could actually qualify as the post that was surprisingly successful, but I can only use one post per category. The Peanut Butter Banana "Milk Shake" / Smoothie is actually our most popular post of all time. A fantastic light milkshake fell into On The Lighter Side and was a huge success!
3. The most controversial post: Being a food blog there isn't much controversy on this blog, but having to choose I would say... This is the most indulgent, decadent, luxurious, creamy delightful ice cream I have ever had. Named for its 'true' definition vo·lup·tu·ous (v -l p ch - s). adj. 1. Giving, characterized by, or suggesting ample, unrestrained pleasure to the senses: luxurious, Voluptuous Vanilla Ice Cream found a bit of traffic to a repost by a blogger collecting 'more voluptuous' pictures. Seriously!
4. The most helpful post: The Honey Vanilla Almond Nut Butter would be the most helpful post, with a step by step guide to getting the perfect creamy consistency.
5. The post that was surprisingly successful: The Super Simple Mac & Cheese Italian Style was the most surprisingly successful. A simple recipe I had been making for years, I thought it too simple to even blog. Mr W disagreed, so I shared it and it went crazy! It is actually the 2nd most popular of all time.
6. The post that did not get the attention it deserved: Urban Twilight Cocktail did not get the visits or comments that I expected. It is a fantastic drink with an incredible story. It was written by my husband Chad. It is his creation, his post and I think you'll love it! Check it out!
7. The post I am most proud of: A fabulous cake, that is definitely more of a chocolate journey. With 7 heavenly layers of chocolate flavors and textures, this is certainly a masterpiece. It takes approximately 10-12 hours to make this cake. But, it is worth every pain staking moment! If only once in your life you attempt such a fantastic cake, I would make it Marcel Desaulniers' Death by Chocolate!
Miss Mary at Barefeet in the Kitchen tagged me a few weeks ago, so I decided to get moving on this post. Mary has a very informative blog complete with a section on dehydrating (which I love). Mary loves to cook real foods and keeps it simple and delicious. Check out their blogs!
I really hope you enjoy reminiscing with me. I have really enjoyed writing this post. As I am pretty sure every blogger has completed their 7 Links Challenge, I will not tag anyone individually. However, if you have not done the post... Consider yourself tagged!
1. The most beautiful post: I may be biased but the 50/50 Beef Bacon Burger was the most beautiful post. How could it not be? A burger made of half beef and half luscious, crispy, flavorful bacon... Oh my! Where have you been all my life 50/50 Beef Bacon Burger???
2. The most popular post: The most popular post could actually qualify as the post that was surprisingly successful, but I can only use one post per category. The Peanut Butter Banana "Milk Shake" / Smoothie is actually our most popular post of all time. A fantastic light milkshake fell into On The Lighter Side and was a huge success!
3. The most controversial post: Being a food blog there isn't much controversy on this blog, but having to choose I would say... This is the most indulgent, decadent, luxurious, creamy delightful ice cream I have ever had. Named for its 'true' definition vo·lup·tu·ous (v -l p ch - s). adj. 1. Giving, characterized by, or suggesting ample, unrestrained pleasure to the senses: luxurious, Voluptuous Vanilla Ice Cream found a bit of traffic to a repost by a blogger collecting 'more voluptuous' pictures. Seriously!
4. The most helpful post: The Honey Vanilla Almond Nut Butter would be the most helpful post, with a step by step guide to getting the perfect creamy consistency.
5. The post that was surprisingly successful: The Super Simple Mac & Cheese Italian Style was the most surprisingly successful. A simple recipe I had been making for years, I thought it too simple to even blog. Mr W disagreed, so I shared it and it went crazy! It is actually the 2nd most popular of all time.

6. The post that did not get the attention it deserved: Urban Twilight Cocktail did not get the visits or comments that I expected. It is a fantastic drink with an incredible story. It was written by my husband Chad. It is his creation, his post and I think you'll love it! Check it out!

7. The post I am most proud of: A fabulous cake, that is definitely more of a chocolate journey. With 7 heavenly layers of chocolate flavors and textures, this is certainly a masterpiece. It takes approximately 10-12 hours to make this cake. But, it is worth every pain staking moment! If only once in your life you attempt such a fantastic cake, I would make it Marcel Desaulniers' Death by Chocolate!
Take a few minutes and look around our blog. Tell me what your favorites are. Tell me if you have used any recipes and re-blogged them. I would love to know how they turned out and link back to your post. Have a fantastic Monday! I will see you back here tomorrow for a Simply Delicious dish!
On a personal note: This blog would not be as beautiful, were it not for the fabulously brilliant design and phenomenal photographic eye of my husband. Thank you, thank you, thank you! e3Studios.com (website being redesigned, phone number at the bottom).