Red Robin Seasoned Oven Baked Fries

It's The Happy Hour here at The Slow Roasted Italian!  Happy Hump Day!

Here is a fantastic Happy Hour treat to get you through the mid-week blahs!!!

We have made these fries several times, the first was for a barbecue we hosted a couple months ago and my friend YaYa helped with the fries!  Thanks so much!  Today, just so happens to be her Birthday.   Happy Birthday Auntie YaYa!  She is 29 {wink wink} we love you!  These fries were an even bigger hit with the crowd than the Oven Baked Garlic Potato Fries.  I myself am partial to the garlic fries, but then again...  I am Italian and a garlic fanatic!

Red Robin is my favorite gourmet burger restaurant to go to.  The prices are a little high for my taste (about $40 per couple for appetizer, drinks, burgers, etc).  Yeah, I am cheap when it comes to eating out.  If I can prepare it, I don't want to pay high prices to have someone else do it for me.  This is a more frugal mindset than I have had in the past.  I have been a bit of a spendthrift most of my adult life.  I want what I want when I want it.  Since I retired from working outside the home and we became a 1 income household and added Em (our daughter) to the family, I have changed my thinking.  So, now we go to Red Robin for special occasions, like birthdays.  They have a program where you can get a free burger on your birthday.  I like free stuff. A LOT!  So, that is the plan this weekend - I have my free burger and only Mr W has to pay.  I am really excited and it is quite fitting that I am blogging these fries this week.  Anyway...  I was saying about the fries I made...

The Red Robin seasoning that we used on these fries adds such an incredible blend of flavors, it is no wonder they were so popular.  The bottle of seasoning is 16 ounces and very well priced.  It has 20 unique spices and ingredients including; salt, black pepper, celery seed, cumin, oregano, sage, garlic, onion, paprika, tomato and smoke flavor.  It is a fantastic combination of flavors.  And the fries are so incredibly simple to make!

The fries are crispy on the outside and soft inside, flavor that makes my mouth water.  They do not need any dipping sauce, they are perfect just the way they are.  Mr. W ate them with ketchup, a must have for him.  If you prefer you can use your favorite seasoning blend on these fries, but I would get this one if you can!!!

Enjoy!  I know you will.

Red Robin Seasoned Oven Baked Fries
4 tablespoons vegetable oil
2 pounds russet potatoes, cut into wedges
1 tablespoon Red Robin seasoning, divided

Preheat oven to 400° F.

Place the potatoes in a large bowl.  Toss with vegetable oil.  Sprinkle in 1/2 tablespoon seasoning, toss well to coat.

On 2 baking sheets, lay fries out in a single layer (not touching).  Sprinkle the remaining 1/2 tablespoon (more or less to taste) over fries.

Bake for approximately 40 minutes, flip fries half way through.  I also rotated the baking sheets, top to bottom and bottom to top.

Serve and enjoy!!

Click here for a printable version of this recipe - The Slow Roasted