Caramelized Onions in the Crockpot

Good morning and Happy Tuesday!  Today is "Simply Delicious".

Today is actually my Mommy's birthday and since we can't be together I am hosting a virtual birthday party.  I am bring caramelized onions, what are you bringing?  I love you Mommy!  Happy Birthday and I wish I could be with you in person today.  You are a gift to our family (and everyone you know - you have touched so many lives), we love you and count you as a blessing every day.  Thank you for helping me become the woman, wife and mother I am today!  Have a beautiful Birthday!  XOXO

I am so excited to share today's recipe with you.  I love love love onions!!!  Much like butter, caramelizing makes everything better.  I did 2 crockpots of onions to finish off the last of the crate of onions that I got from a friend.  I have to admit, I ate them all myself in about two weeks.  I smothered them on everything.  Toast, sausage, hamburgers, burritos with chicken, burritos with cheese, just a caramelized onion burrito were all incredible with the caramelized onions.

I made these two different ways, just a minor change made such a huge difference.  The first batch I added 1 tablespoon of sugar (to get the caramelizing going) they were sooooo sweet.  Almost sickly sweet.  I contemplated making a corn bread to serve them with, I told my friend Mary that I thought they should go on a cake or something.

The second batch I omitted the sugar completely and they were perfect!  They were perfectly sweet and incredibly delicious.  Mr. W and Em did not partake in these delightful onions, partially because Chad doesn't like onions, but mostly because I WAS NOT SHARING.


Caramelized Onions in the Crockpot
8 large onions
4 tablespoons butter, unsalted
4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
pinch salt

Slice onions 1/4-1/2" thick.

 Add salt, butter and olive oil to crock pot.

Add as many onions to crock pot as you can fit.  I could only fit about 3/4 of my onions originally, but added the rest as the onions reduced.  Stir to combine.  Keep crock pot uncovered as onions cook and reduce. Stir onions often scraping the sides.

After several hours onions are reduced, but still not caramelized.

Total cook time is approximately 6-8 hours.  Remove onions once they are caramelized to your preferred taste, remove from crock pot.  If they start burning and become incredibly aromatic, be sure to check them.  Enjoy, they are so incredibly delicious.  I am going to make another batch.  Each batch makes approximately a pint of caramelized onions.

Click here for a printable version of this recipe - The Slow Roasted