Chicken Breasts with Olives and Tomatoes

I was looking for a flavorful chicken dish that required very little stove or oven time.  I found it!  This chicken was fabulous, it is spicy, moist and flavorful.  This is a light with about 300 calories per serving.  A great meal whether you are watching your calories or not!  Perfect meal to make during this record breaking hot summer.  10 minutes or less on the stove.  The rest is in the crock pot. 

When stirring it around 3 hours into the cooking the chicken became so moist that it started breaking apart, so I had the idea to shred it and let all those delicious juices be absorbed into the chicken.  It worked out perfectly and it was incredible.  I made a plate for Em and I.  However, Em was not in the mood for chicken apparently.  So, I ate hers too. It was that good!  Buon Appetito!

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