100 Followers & Cookbook Giveaway

I am so excited to have reached 100 Google Friend Connect Members on this blog.  It seems like I have only been blogging for a couple of weeks (the time has flown by) but it also seems like I have been doing this all my life!  What a fantastic time I am having.  I am learning so much and growing with every post.

My whole family is enjoying this experience.  My husband Mr. W has gotten involved, he created my fabulous logo (banner) for me and helped with many design decisions.  Em, my 18 month old daughter is very excited to try new things and give Ma Ma her opinion.  Although she calls me Donna.  I don't think I have mentioned that before.  Although she can say Ma Ma, she prefers to call me Donna.  Which is crazy, because my husband nick name for me is "Baby" I could count the number of times he has called me Donna, in the last 15 years on my fingers (10 or less).  I digress.  I hope you get  a chance to check out my ABOUT ME page.

I am sure you noticed that I lean toward Italian and Greek flavors, and occasionally low calorie options.  My favorite go to low calorie cookbooks are The Biggest Loser Cookbooks.  They are written by Chef Devin Alexander, whom I adore.  She is fantastic at finding the perfect ingredients to give every recipe incredible flavor, texture and flair.  I honestly am not a cookbook lover.  I generally cook what I know, recipes I have tried, things my family used to cook, or things I have eaten out.  I turn to online recipes for guidance and inspiration, but do not often use cookbooks.  I am working on that though, I am now excited to read cookbooks, so maybe that will inspire me to use them for cooking too.

The first cookbook that I have collected the entire series of has been The Biggest Loser Cookbooks.  They Started with The Biggest Loser Cookbook, The Biggest Loser Family Cookbook, The Biggest Loser Dessert Cookbook and The Biggest Loser Flavors of the World Cookbook.  I love all of these books, but my favorite is the Family Cookbook.  I have made so many of these incredible recipes and I have not found a flop yet.

Chicken Dijon Salad with Grapes and Apples  is a great recipe.  The flavor, texture and flair is all there.  I love this one!!!

Sweet and Sour Chicken Stir-Fry  is amazing.  It completely satisfies my craving for sweet and sour and I don't feel guilty after eating it. 

These are just two recipes from this cookbook that I have posted.  I will be posting many more this month.  I am making the month of August the month of eating healthy.  This is the hottest month here in the desert, "The Valley of the Sun".  I heard that name barely beat out "The Land of Sweaty Butts and Dehydrated Carcasses".  I guess it was a tourism issue.  ; )   I really don't want to be sticking to my tight clothes in this heat.  

So, I thought for our 100 Follower celebration and my first giveaway, the perfect item would be The Biggest Loser Family Cookbook.  I am so excited about this.

Okay, so this is how you can enter to win the fabulous "The Biggest Loser Family Cookbook".

1)  Leave a comment on my blog, not Facebook or Twitter, stating what your favorite low calorie dish is.  Everyone gets this entry!!!

You can also earn 3 BONUS ENTRIES!!

BONUS ENTRY #1 - Click JOIN FRIEND CONNECT (on the right sidebar) and become a member of The Slow Roasted Italian, leave me a comment saying that you did this.

BONUS ENTRY #2 -  LIKE The Slow Roasted Italian on Facebook and leave me a comment stating that you did so.


You can earn another entry, by following The Slow Roasted Italian on Twitter, and leave me a comment stating that you did.  You can use this link to Tweet it http://bit.ly/mTIZBU

Good luck to all my readers!  I hope you are as excited as I am!  I will be having more giveaways soon!!!  So, check back every day.

Entries must be posted by August 11, 2011 by 11:59PM EST.  Comments for entries will only be accepted on this blog.  Facebook, Twitter and email comments will not be entered.  I will then use the Random Number Generator to pick a winner!  The winner will be posted on this blog, I will also make an effort to contact you through any email or blog linked.  If the prize is not claimed within 48 hours, I will pick a new winner.
